Lower Cross Syndrome in
San Antonio, Texas
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
What is Lower Cross Syndrome?
Lower Cross Syndrome is a common condition that occurs when someone has a lack of balance between their muscle strength and the pelvic area. Over time, this can negatively impact a person’s posture and range of motion resulting in distress in the body.
Lower Cross Syndrome can cause your body to overcompensate in another area to make up for the weaker muscles that make up your body. The muscles that lack strength and essentially cause this issue are the gluteus maximus and abdominal region as well as stiff & tense hip flexors.
This leads to improper adjustment of the pelvis or misalignment. Although the hip flexors and gluteus maximus do their best to keep your pelvis in place, they are working overtime. The weakness that you feel is what brings about bad posture and slouching.
If you are experiencing sharp pain or discomfort in your pelvic area, this may be a sign that you have Lower Cross Syndrome. If you are wondering what this is, keep on reading.
What Causes Lower Cross Syndrome?
More times than not, Lower Cross Syndrome is caused by an inactive lifestyle that involves a lot of sitting or lying down. Sitting for a long duration can cause the muscles to tighten and produce those imbalances.
& that’s what we don’t want!
Another common reason for Lower Cross Syndrome to occur is when you partake in strength training for a single area of your body and not the other. For example, if you are working out your hip flexor muscles but neglect your abdominal muscles, this may result in unbalanced strength.
What are the Common Symptoms of Lower Cross Syndrome?
Common symptoms of Lower Cross Syndrome include but are not limited to:
Bad Posture & Range of Motion
Shooting Pain in the Gluteus Maximus, Hip Flexors, Lower Abdominal Area, or Spine
Muscular Tension in the Back
Trouble Stretching/Discomfort When Stretching
Stomach Bulge as a Result of Overarching Your Lower Back Muscles

How You Can Begin to Treat Lower Cross Syndrome?
If a person requires immediate relief from the pain caused by Lower Cross Syndrome, a Doctor or Physician may recommend painkillers such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Etc.
Heating pads can also be a great option to rest on as this helps relax the muscles and provides physical ease in the body.
How Can Physical Therapy Help with Lower Cross Syndrome?
Physical Therapy is one of the best ways for you to mitigate the pain you’re feeling from Lower Cross Syndrome. Certified Professionals can walk you through the right plan of action for your physical needs, start working on the necessary stretches and mobility exercises, and get you back to normal health.
The goal here is to strengthen the muscles in your body that are contributing to Lower Cross Syndrome and causing one side of your muscles to interfere with the strength of the others.
By targeting the weakened areas, you will regain that strength back and all of those symptoms such as slouchy posture and pain will get better in no time!
If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of Lower Cross Syndrome or just want to get more informed about the services we offer here at Advanced Rehab and Sports Center, visit the links below to get in touch with us!
Give us a call to discuss any question you may have about your unique situation to see how we can help.