Overhead Athlete Screening in San Antonio, Texas
What Is An Overhead Athlete?
Overhead athletes are athletes who participate in sports that require overhead movement where the upper arm and shoulder arc over the athlete’s head. Athletes who would benefit -
Baseball/Softball Players
Volleyball Players
Tennis Players
Track and Field Athletes
& any athlete that requires overhead movement.
Here is what occurs during one of our overhead screenings:
1. We first analyze what type of sport or profession they are in that uses constant overhead motion. Depending on if they are a swimmer, play volleyball, or if they are a quarterback, each approach varies.
2. We then analyze the motion and the muscles used within that motion.
3. Identify any discrepancy in motion that may increase the risk of injury. We analyze the joints and muscles used in the motion and how we can maximize efficiency and make that motion repeatable.
4. Work on building muscle endurance by presenting both in-clinic and at-home exercises.
5. Breaking down the motions and making sure there is no overcompensation. For example, we make sure the shoulder blade is supporting the elbow motion to its full capacity, or else there’s possibility of elbow tension and pain.
During an Overhead Athlete Screening, we will break down that overhead motion and make sure the technique is correct in order to minimize the risk of injury and maximize efficiency.

Sports Medicine isn’t just about rehab after an injury!
A huge part of it is what we call, prehab. The idea behind this is to strengthen and mobilize the area through proper movement and exercise in order to reduce the risk of injury.
What We Look At
Rotator Cuff Strength
Shoulder Blade Stability
Range of Motion
Upper Extremities
Lower Extremities

Schedule an appointment to have your Overhead Athlete Screening done.
Let’s keep you in the game!